Monday, February 12, 2007

Rules of the Road - Who Knew??!!

Below are a few of the reasons why I apparently should not be allowed
to drive in the state of Indiana:
Reason #1

Indicates a center turn lane only

Reason #2

Specifically a warning type of sign

Reason #3

The acceptable speed for passenger vehicles traveling on a Rural Interstate Highway (defined as an urbanized area with a population of at least 50,000):

70 mph or as posted

(and make sure you slow down to at least 20mph to count and ensure the population is at least "50,000")

Reason #4

The acceptable speed for passenger vehicles traveling on an Urban Interstate Highway:

55 mph or as posted

And the #1 Reason why I have little respect for the state of Indiana's "Rules of the Road":

The Roundabout

(A traffic system put into place with the intention of slowing multi-directional traffic and minimizing intersection accidents. Indiana is apparently obsessed with this concept and while it looks pretty... one soon finds that upon embarking along it's path they are actually at even greater risk of causing if not just becoming an accident; not to mention the half-hour one spends sitting at the entrance just waiting for their turn to ride the merry-go-round!)

Now, I will explain:
I finally (with great reluctance) decided it was time to let go of my Nevada license plates and drivers license. I have now, after being here for almost a year, come to the realization that I am indeed a "resident" of Indiana. My work is here. My job is here. My dog is here. And, oh yes, my husband is here as well. While it is difficult to admit, I no longer own a home in Nevada... nor am I even the slightest bit close to "swing up to Tahoe" for the day, or meet my friend Carrie at Starbucks. Though I have remained in denial for quite some time now... the truth is that no matter how hard I look (and I have) - there are no mountains. I know it must come as a shock to many of you back west, but seriously, I look around and this is what I see: corn fields, wheat fields, bean fields... I step outside for 2 seconds and lose all feeling in my fingers due to the cold. My once black Jeep Liberty is I think forever now coated in a thick white sheet of salt from the road. Carbonated beverages are once again referred to as "pop", rather than "soda". Vaccuuming is really "sweeping". (Don't ask me what sweeping is then... I don't really do it anyway so I guess it really doesn't matter). And all around me people are "fixin' to get me some dinner".

Yes... I am home.

Which brings me back to the rules of the road. I failed them. Yes, it's true. I missed one question too many... and while I tried hard to argue in defense of one answer specifically... it was no use. And if that wasn't humiliating enough... the 16 year old right behind me passed with flying colors. Gag.
Above, you will see some important information that somehow I have escaped the knowledge of all these years. Let me assure you: I know the answers now. Tomorrow I will attempt once again - to achieve something I now perceive to be vital to my existence. My Indiana Drivers License. If I fail once again... I suppose I will have to return to the great state of Nevada where I am still appreciated and upheld as a safe and respected member of the driving society. My license is still good there for 2 more years... my picture is one of my all time favorites... and best of all: they have no roundabouts.

Wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

You are too cute !

melissa said...

Good luck!

I empathize with your problems with the Indiana rules of the road. I could handle the roundabouts, but the 55 mph speed limits drove me nuts. I'm not good at driving that speed. And no, there are definitely not any mountains there, but maybe that's better than the fake mountains they have in Virginia.

Anonymous said...

What in the heck do any of those signs mean anyway? I can't even understand even AFTER you explained them. I am most definately NOT allowed to drive when I am there. I would for sure be arrested for driving around and around in the turn-a-bout, arrested for not knowing the exact population of the town I just passed through, and then throw in the klink for not being able to expain what that orange sign thing is supposed to represent!! Guess that means Corey, the boys, and I are never allowed to move to Indiana. Guess you guys will have to move to Oregon after Eric's done with school. :)

Have a fun day being "snowed in"!! Lots of movies!

Anonymous said...

Always knew you had questionable driving skills!!!! :)