Friday, May 18, 2007


So when I was a kid... I know I had some sort of allergies to something. I know they must have been significant because I vividly remember the reward I received following the allergy shot my mom would give me.

A handful of carob chips and raisins.

Yep... carob chips.

Funny how I can't for the life of me EVER recall any problems or symptoms that I suffered from. (Maybe mom can enlighten us all.) But one thing is for sure... I'll never forget the reward. For awhile I believe I truly did look forward to dipping my hand into that big 2 gallon bucket that at one time held sherbert (talk about a treat!), and pulling out as many carob chips and raisins my little hand could hold. That is, until the day I discovered chocolate two doors down at Susie's house. My best friend had it all... warm cookies after school... Capri Sun... and chocolate. Gradually (and behind my mom's back), I was introduced to the "good stuff"!

I know my mom had the best of intentions... but did you know that they actually feed carob to DOGS as treats?! Enough said.

So after a good 20 years or so completely free of any allergies whatsoever... I now am suddenly a frequent user of Claritin D. Apparently central Indiana is one of the worst locations when it comes to allergies... and I have learned of several people who even grew up in the midwest (as I did)... moved away... and then returned specifically to central Indiana, who now suffer from this seasonal nuisance.

It can only mean one thing:

Mom, I'm not falling for it this time. When you come to visit, don't be bringing any carob chips. I want the real thing.


Anonymous said...

My darling daughter---you had severe allergies to dust, mold and mites, leading to Bronchitis and pneumonia three or four times in your pre-adolecent years. Just remember that my carob-raison mix kept you cavity free until the age of 12 at which time you were set free to make your own decisions re: sugar. The next dentist visit you had major decay.

Don't forget, they give carob to dogs because chocolate could kill them.

PS. They say a teaspoon of local honey every day works wonders for allergies!

Love you, Me.

Eric said...

Our kids will probably not like staying at grandma and grandpa Brunstings if the treats stay the same. Maybe you should upgrade to the real thing when the kids come for the summer to stay with you.

Anonymous said...

ERIC....WHAT???? IS THERE SOMETHING YOU BOTH NEED TO "SPILL" ABOUT KIDS?????? "When the kids come over to grandma's"! Come on already and start that beautiful family we all know you are going to have! :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the Mrs. B I grew up with! Bart told me about this post while we were discussing whether to gorge ourselves with two Arbys 5 for $5.95 or one!!! Having sweets around didn't ruin my family OTHER things did though! Bart grew up with the minimal sweets and when they appeared they quickly disappeared! Every member of his family has frustrations with their weight and such. We are hoping we can find a better balance but it seems you can't change the way you are now... like you can when you are a child. GOOD LUCK TO US ALL!

melissa said...

Central (and southern) Indiana are definitely bad for allergies. I remember that quite distinctly from my days in Bloomington.

But if Indiana is one of the worst places, I'm quite convinced that the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia may possibly be the worst place for allergies. I'm so ready for allergy season to be over...

Anonymous said...

If your talking about kids' eating habits my advise is don't take advise from Susie seeing as her 10 month old daughter is already eating hot dogs and ice cream cones.

Meghan said...

Point taken Bart.

Anonymous said...

OK, so enough about allergies and your mother 'force feeding' you carob chips, not to mention the ponderings about when on earth we are going to be blessed with Grandchildren.

What else is new in the Johnson household? How's Max enjoying the Cicaidas?

Anonymously yours, Me

Anonymous said...

WHAT are those nasty insects are back??! Is this the seven year cicada? I remember going to my dad's in Indiana the year we had a major infestation of them. There were much less there vs. LaGrange, Illinois. So IS there some reprieve in Indiana? I haven't heard from you since Easter hope all is well- I will call Wednesday and Thursday afternoon and see if you can chat. We had such a nice weekend hope you guys did too--- the nice weather is heading your way this week.

Eric said...

Actually in Indiana we enjoy those little 7 year delicacies. Deep fried, chocolate covered, or flaming cicaidas foster (too bad that wasn't on the dessert bar at the wedding reception). So far Max prefers his with a small "greenie" chaser.

Meghan said...

Believe it or not... no signs of the disgusting creatures down here. Hey! The benefits of central Indiana are slowly revealing themselves after all!

Anonymous said...


Your poor mother will never live down those carob chips. See they really did help you since you were cavity free for so long. And then you found the chocolate at the Clarke house. Horrors!!

I am sorry to hear about the allergies. Let me know if the honey works.
Love, Mom C.