Thursday, April 3, 2008

12 Hour Night Shifts & 36 Weeks of Baby

How is the combination you ask? Depends on the minute. One hour ago at 3am - I was whining (I know - hard to imagine coming from me) to a co-worker that I was not going to make it. Now... after a berry burst power smoothie, a handful of skittles, and a wrestling match with a screaming baby in methadone withdrawal... I'm beginning to feel like I could just about go for a double shift! :) OK... that's definitely a lie.

Really... I'm shocked at how good I feel at this point. Aside from the minor pregnancy inconveniences, I'm really moving around and feeling quite well. It's a little discouraging when the belly becomes too big even for your maternity clothes... but the end is in sight and that helps a lot. I'm not having many contractions yet... but I am dilated to 1 1/2 cm which is a good start for a "first-timer". Never mind that many women walk around for weeks at that dilation and still have to be induced. :) We're going to think positively and eat a lot of the eggplant parmesan recipe that is said to induce labor! :)

At the risk of being redundant, and in case some of you have ignored my previous nudgings:

Tricia is right now at 4am in surgery receiving her long awaited and life saving double lung transplant. Click here for updates.

Also... please, please, please take the time to read Angie's latest post... and pray hard for them.


nurse jen said...

Congrats on 36 weeks!! That's awesome! I laughed out loud at the "wrestling the methadone w/d kiddo." It's like trying to swaddle Harry Houdini most of the time! :) Definite energy boost in the middle of the night!
My prayers continue...
Take care and prop up your feet!!


Carrie said...

Hey Meg!
Lovin the new background- you've inspired me to go and find one too! Way too many to choose from (not to mention that I'm at work and should be working not blogging, but oh well).

You're almost there! Can't wait to meet miss Ella!

Oh yeah- I was working from home mon-wed of this week and saw the Van Ryn's and the Cerak's on Oprah wednesday morning. What amazing people!

Anonymous said...

Hi Meg,
Your shower pictures are neat. I am glad to see that you are so well prepared for Ella. Eric did a good job painting.

I'll see you and maybe Eric? at the shower on Sunday.

Mom C.

andrew,betsy,& noura said...

i cant believe youre almost done! I remember the day you found out! (weird how time flies...for me, probably not you:)) We would love to grab lunch or something if you have time, but it sounds like youre pretty busy so we can wait!

melissa said...

So, Meghan, I just saw what you did to my name on your blog links. Nice work... After Ella makes her arrival, I'd be happy to go out for a martini with you :)

Christy said...

At least your so busy that your pregancy is going by quickly! Can you believe you will see your little girl soon! I contiune to lift you up in prayers! Thanks for the mention of Bring the Rain. Wow....can't imagine what her weekend will be like. Take care of yourself! Many Blessings

Stacy said...

Wow! I just stumbled across your blog again since you moved it (& after catching up on all you had to say about why you did it, I totally understand) & I am so suprised to see how soon your precious baby will be here! Congrats!
Take care of yourself& be sure to get some rest now while you can! :)