Thursday, August 9, 2007

Max's Recovery

Max had a pretty big gash in his leg from old Jackie taking a bite out of it. We had a really hard time keeping him from licking it. Just a word about that bitter apple stuff: he likes it. Eric and I were totally repulsed after tasting it ourselves... but Max seems to think it's some sort of topical flavoring that only makes things better.

So the above outfit you see was our solution. For some strange reason... Max also likes to wear shirts. I thought if I could find one with longer sleeves it would help. We checked out Old Navy on our way up to our cabin in Wisconsin a week and a half ago to see if maybe they had something. (They carry a good selection of dog clothing for some reason.) No luck with that however... but we did find this 12 month old onesie. It took some creativity... but by cutting off the crotch snap section we were in business! It did the trick. We got a few funny looks with him dressed like this in 90 degree heat but hey! it's finally healing!


Anonymous said...

The pet store suggested Bitter Apple as a plant spray to keep my cats from eating my house plants. Well . . . I think they need to re-formulate that stuff. It is sooo nasty, but for some reason the cats LOVE it!!! Go figure! Needless to say, all my house plants now live in the bathroom behind closed doors.

Christy said...

Would you have ever thought you'd be buying baby clothes for your dog?! The things we do....Lacee thinks he looks adorable! :)

Christy said...
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Unknown said...

Oh that is TOO funny! I guess dogs all have their quirks. I put dog repellent in a flower bed to keep Kody out and the next day caught him eating it. Eeww. I love the onesie...what a cute solution!