Monday, December 24, 2007

Ultra Sound Images

Here are a few shots taken during the ultrasound...

This shot is a profile view and you can see the head and some facial features

Here you can see an arm and a foot. This morning I felt that foot kick Meg in the stomach. Its a pretty amazing feeling to know there is a small baby growing inside my wife and that in just 4 months we'll be getting no sleep and changing diapers.


Bart Saunders said...

Thanks for posting these photos for all us to admire! Hope you and Meg made it safely to the B's. Heard you'll have a few days there with the in-laws. Give them and Meghan a big hug from me. I'll try and catch Meg on the cell soon.

Amy said...

I came across your blog through Jessica. Congratulations on the girl. I have 2 boys and a girl.
Your daughter looks very beautiful-I'm sure her picture doesn't do her justice!!!
I hope you are feeling well.