Sunday, July 19, 2009

Notes from a Slacker...

I have been more than lazy about blogging and I feel a little guilty considering I have this fabulous new blog layout (OK - totally my opinion), to post on! My excuse is a combination of changes that I find have led me away from the computer as often as I once was (something I never thought would be possible)! First... my laptop is pretty close to finding it's way into the toilet. It has been my primary tool for blogging from home - since the other computer sits in the office and my ADD mind prefers to have multiple things going on at the same time (Food Network/cooking/Baby Einstein... among many other things). The greatest obstacle seems to be a certain 14 month old who cannot bear to keep her hands to herself - particularly on the rare occasions when I might venture into the office to attempt a moment on the Internet. It is the one room that is far from... and will continue to be baby-proof free. Mostly because I really wouldn't even know where to start! That leaves nap time (of which we are down to one), and bedtime. Somehow these treasured moments of peace and freedom are almost always filled with lists of to-do's that constantly compete for the title of "priority", and once "THE NAP" wins out... few minutes are left before the voice of one stinkin' adorable little girl sounds out from the monitor singing "E-I-E-I-O......... COW!".

What I have come to realize is that ironically, my best blogging has always happened at WORK! Hours of night shift with breaks between caring for babies has always left me little else to do... and I have taken advantage of it! But my work schedule has changed as well... and I have to admit that aside of the loss of time on Blogger... I am pretty thrilled about it. 3, 12 hour night shifts a week dropped to 2 when Eric finished school last month, and as of this week... I am working in a supplemental position - which means I am required to sign up for ONE 12 hr shift ever 6 WEEKS!!! Rough, isn't it??!!! Of course Eric is seeing to it - I mean, I am planning on signing up for quite a bit more than that before this baby comes... but having the freedom to be home more and up all night less is really awesome. And I am SOOOO grateful that we're are in a situation that allows me to stay at home most of the time. It's also allowing me to work some partial shifts... rather than a full 12 hours, which my cankles definitely appreciate as does my brain which continues to fail me.

Eric is loving the fact that school is OVER and while he seems to be prematurely day-dreaming about retirement already, I think he is really enjoying his new job with Kroger. TOMORROW... is his 2nd and final licensing exam. If he passes both (which we know he will), by the end of this week he could possible be completely on his own in the store! And despite the fear of possibly killing someone someday with an error in calculations or drug interactions... it's pretty exciting to realize all that he has accomplished. No doubt time and experience will help his confidence... but he's also received a lot of affirmation from some of the Pharmacists he's been working with over the last few weeks - and knowing that others with far more experience than you, have confidence in your abilities, helps a lot. If you have a moment to pray for him between the hours of 1pm and 5pm tomorrow - I'm sure he would appreciate it.

We know he'll do just fine... but the pressure of knowing

that he'll have to wait 3 months to repeat it if he DOESN'T pass... continue to work on half his salary... force me to return full time before, right through, and immediately after popping this baby out... require us to pay for cobra insurance on top of hospital delivery bills AND be the first student in his class to fail this year...

is just a little bit much at times. :)

No biggie... just a little pressure. So a prayer or two couldn't hurt! :)

Miss Ella continues to make us smile. She is no longer a baby... and I'm a little sad about that... but nothing is as fun as watching your own kid discover the world one day at a time. She is quite the talker... and walking faster and faster by the minute (although it often resembles a drunk chicken). She loves cats and dogs - hates birds (that's my girl)... and wants to love cows but the fondness ends the moment they come to life. She's a natural at soccer - although I'm discouraging her from trying out as a goalie... and she could read books all day long if you let her. Being 14 months old... she is completely oblivious to the fact that a new baby sister is on the way, and she will soon be de-throned. The closer we get to D-Day, the more concerned I feel about how I will reassure her young soul of her place in my heart - but I know that in time she will get used to it all, and odd as it seems to me right now - never even remember these days when she was our one and only. Ironically just in the last 2 weeks she has become fond of her "BABE" dolls... I keep asking her as she places them upside down in her play stroller and pushes them down the hall, if she'd like to have a real one of those... but can't quite get an answer out of her on that. I guess we'll know soon enough...

Well - my 4 HOUR SHIFT is drawing to a close... and I think I've covered enough to at least make myself feel better. :) I've got to grab the last few minutes to do some online research of double strollers and baby monitors before heading out...

Back soon with some pictures and updates!!


Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

I always enjoy my time at your blog....glad I stopped by tonight...

Mare said...

You're so sweet, I always get a kick out of your post.

You too, are a huge inspiration to me, my dear friend. I miss you MUCH as well.

I agree, traveling with two small young children may be a bit much.
Perhaps, I could do something for you...just ask away!

Much love,

Faith said...

As always, I love you and your family!! Let's play soon!! :)