Thursday, July 19, 2007

Amazing Stories

... because I can't say it better myself... I had to post a quote out of Matt Mooney's blog for his little boy Eliot, who passed away a short time ago...

"Eugene Peterson says it this way:
“Everytime someone tells a story well, the gospel is served”

All we have done is tell a story. The story of our son. And, oh, what a story it is.

I have purposely made strides to downplay the God-card. This was simply because all I could do was get in the way with my feeble attempts. God was in the story. He did not need to be exposed.

If you have found yourself drawn to this story and not really knowing why, I humbly propose that my son is only a vehicle to proclaim a story greater than his own.

There is someone who loves you with a love larger than ours for Eliot. There is one who takes you with all of your flaws and delights in all that you are. He sings over you when you sleep and hems you in while awake. He destroys the worth-measures of man and pronounces you worthy. He is Jesus. He is the only way we have made it thus far and our only hope for tomorrow.

Thank you,

Matt & Ginny Mooney"


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful story. Doris

Bart Saunders said...

Polly and I talk of how moving their blog is and of course the 99 balloons video as well. I was just telling Emily about their blog (esp. now that they are ending it) on Tuesday. Friday night she found out the baby's heart no longed beat and she delivered her little boy with the cord wrapped around his neck twice. Anyway dear Emily is going to need all the grief support she can get. It was just Wednesday night when I was at her house finishing her scrapbook from the baby shower and now she is planning a funeral. I just don't understand how a healthy baby can be in her up to the end and just die. It's a long story but I know you could be such a resource for her. I am emailing your blog and Ricky's website again. She is just beside herself and who wouldn't be! Please pray for Emily and Chris.

nurse jen said...

Eliot's story is a powerful message of Christ delivered by a tiny boy and his loving family. Not one could tell me that Christ was not honored by his site! I am thankful that you all have chosen to share your stories of your amazing children and in turn, Christ and His amazing love and sustaining is seen in them.
I am also praying for the Saunders' friends, Emily and Chris. I cannot imagine the pain they must be enduring.
I pray all is well with bloggin' and NICU friend :)