Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Please Pray for Josh Buck

I graduated from Indiana Wesleyan with Josh Buck, although I did not know him well. Through the blessings of these blogs however, word has spread of a recent accident he had and they are desperately asking for prayer. While vacationing in Mexico he had a diving accident almost a week ago. He has already experienced miraculous recovery in some respects... but he remains paralyzed and they are unsure what his outcome will be. He is a pastor in Grand Rapids, Michigan but right remains hospitalized in Florida. They have 2 children at home in Michigan and Shelly is pregnant as well.
Please visit this website to follow what God is going to do in his life.
This is not their first experience with tragedy... Josh and Shelly lost their 3 month old daughter Ava in a horrible accident about a year and a half ago... and despite everything, have remained faithful to their God. This is yet another huge trial to face and they could use our love and support.