Tuesday, August 26, 2008

NICU Cribs

Those of you who are not as familiar with the "NICU" world may not find this quite as funny as the rest of us... but this one had to be shared!


Jessica said...

Corey and I are dying laughing...sad that we totally understood every "NICU phrase" spoken. Hilarious none the less!! :) I love the part about the "if I puke it up they are gonna re-feed it to me anyway".

Adrienne said...

That is hilarious! Noah wasn't 'clean' because he came from home, but PICU talk sounds a lot like NICU talk. That is so funny. Hope you guys are enjoying time with sweet E. Ade xoxox

twin power mommy ♥ said...

That was funny.
(i've seen you leave comments on jessica's page)
My twins were 25 weekers (AND had TTTS like Jessica's twins)...that video just cracked me up!

Ahhh...those NICU memories....