Funny how much time I spend wishing I had more time... There are so many things I want to catch up on, so many things I want to write down before I forget they ever happened. I daydream throughout the chaos of baby books that are all caught up, photos that are enlarged and proudly displayed on the walls, emails and cards I finally sent off, and housekeeping that continuously stays in order. Perhaps if I spent less time dreaming of these things...
Ella will be 2 at the end of this month. I call her my parrot... as she likes to repeat every single thing I say. We are amazed every single day by her vocabulary - and are contemplating home school since I'm not really sure what she'll have left to learn by the time Kindergarten rolls around! She is a Mommy's girl... very sweet and so much fun. I think having the opportunity to view life through the eyes of your child has to be one of the greatest gifts ever. Every flower, bird, airplane, and bubble are simply amazing. Sidewalk chalk is the greatest invention ever, and any ailment is cured by a handful of grapes.
I don't know about everyone else out there but we are LOVING the fact that spring has finally arrived!!! Don't remember the winter ever lasting so long before I had kids!! It's amazing what a few flowers and some warm temperatures can do for the soul!! Even a 2 year old's!!!! We purchased a fabulous bike trailer (thank you Craigs List), and had a fence installed just last week - so we're officially SET for summer! I really can't get over what freedom a fence brings when you have a small dog and some kids... Now - we just open the door and who or whatever spills out onto the patio is of absolutely no concern!!! It's a giant play-pen, and I'm SO grateful we were finally able to get it done!
Claire is proving herself to be the firecracker that I suspected she would be. At 7 months she is crawling like a pro and couldn't be happier with her new found freedom. (Wish I could share in the enthusiasm). She has wasted no time in exploring the things that she's only been able to stare at for the last several months... and I fear we will be stepping up on the baby-proofing this time around. This child knows what she wants - and it's usually paper. :) It's pretty obvious who the "go-getter" will be between these two girls... and as scary as that is - I really can't wait to see how they grow in their relationship. I'd be willing to bet $$ that Claire will be crawling out of her crib long before the idea ever crosses Ella's mind... and I can also tell you who will be ratting the other out on an hourly basis. :) So fun to see their personalities emerge.
I am managing to keep my head above water while finding myself significantly outnumbered at home most days. We have said over and over since Miss Claire joined the family that 2 is so much more than even twice the work. I had prepared myself for quite the challenge - but still underestimated how difficult it would be to manage the daily tasks at home, with 2 small ones. Lately, I'm coming to accept that if I want time for myself to read, work-out, or just hear myself think - it must happen early in the morning. THAT discipline is a work in progress... but I think I'm getting there. In spite of even the toughest moments... it's more than obvious that these two are worth it.
Meghan, I love your post. I couldn't have said it better myself when it comes to watching life thru your child's eyes. I feel the same way as I continue to watch Grace grow everyday. Right now every ouchie can be cured by a big hug and a kiss from only me... which just melts my heart. ;) It was wonderful to see you the other night at work, and again.... your girls are so stinkin cute and adorable! ;)
Oh, my goodness!!! I love the photo's! My word, they are getting so big, and just sooooo cute!!!
Miss you a whole bunch! Love you!
Proud of you that you bother to post: ) It is hard to keep up let alone share it with the world! You keep me smiling as usual! Wish I got to see those girls AND their Momma! I still have to book a trip to the Lake House for early summer... it would be so nice if you could come spend a day... Kira would love to show off the neighborhood farm animals and the creatures of the lake. She can't wait to pick flowers and berries... She asks about Ella but has trouble understanding you really have ANOTHER little girl: ) They are both perfect! Better get our gifts ready for that 2 year old! : )
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